Why I haven’t bought a super car…yet.

I almost ALWAYS get asked this question from my network.

The answer for me is straightforward though to them it doesn’t makes sense. I am okay with that, I ca

Here are the 2 main reasons why I haven’t yet bought a super car:

1) I value business more.

Creating business opportunities is more exciting/enticing to me than a nice drive from point A to point B.

There’s a thrill to creating business opportunities and expanding – new channels of business, new product categories and new networks. This for me creates this long-lasting satisfaction, that a car simply has not ever been able to do (yet).

Having the extra cash in the bank also allows me to take on more risk than others. If I decide tomorrow to make a bid on a house that shows up on the market, I can. If I decide to take a position on a stock, I can. I value this freedom, it gives me the courage to make bold moves.

2) I value time more.

The most important thing in life is time. Time to do the things you want, when you want and how you want. I have noticed that people around meare crippled by debt and I couldn’t for the life of me imagine trading places. I’ve been out with friends that have to budget a night out, or build a savings plan for their next vacation. More than anything I love being extra on dinner/events. I like knowing I can step away tomorrow and not have to worry about anything at home. That’s a freedom that I wish many get to experience.

3) I value connections more.

One of my favorite parts of life is the ability to meet and connect with new and different people. The money gives me the ability to pay for other peoples’ meals, drinks, coffee – not that it is required – but more because I value it.

I am equally repulsed by the opposite – I have gone to dinner with people I know that split the tab with their employees – colleagues – etc. lol – ew. I have seen someone that made 200k-1million dollars do this with someone that made 40-60k. This gives me the ick. Don’t be that guy with the lambo that can’t buy people close to him dinner.
Disclaimer: I’ve owned four different cars in my lifetime and all of them have been second hand.

Do you agree/disagree? Let me know below.

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